Thursday, November 03, 2005

Windows Sucks...

As if you didn't already know. But I bring this up because iTunes no longer works for me on my Windows XP machine at work. Why? I don't know. And I do tech support for a living. Recently I upgraded to version 6 and I'm pretty sure it worked after the upgrade. All I even use it for is internet radio. But not I get some strange memory error. To be specific:

The instruction at "0x0000b7a4" referenced by memory at "0x0000b7a4". The memory could not be "read".

And that's it. Sure I have the option to terminate or debug. But no further info is available. So I'm frustrated and annoyed by this. A co-worker thought I should reinstall. I did. Same problem. I uninstalled rebooted. Searched for everything iTunes and deleted. Reinstalled again still no good. Next I will probably uninstall, deleted everything again, then delete everything in the registry. If that doesn't work I might look online. But shit, man, should I even have to go through all this?


Fresh said...

Interesting...someone else was having issues with it on her home computer but she doesn't have XP...I thinks he still has 2K. Mine works fine on my home computer which is an XP.

Cole Wynter said...

Of the few people in my office that use it I am the only one having problems. So far no one can figure out why. Considering it used to work for me and I haven't changed a thing on my PC.