Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Conspiracies Abound II: Insurance Premiums

News flash, if you live in predominantly black or hispanic neighborhoods in LA you could be paying up to 85% more for your car insurance. Seriously I just saw it on ABC 7 news. But that ain’t no real news. My insurance agent told me that years ago. I could effectively cut my insurance in half by moving to Glendale. No shit. Forget the fact that the one accident in my 16 year driving career was in 1997 and was a “not my fault” fender bender. Forget the fact I haven’t had any traffic violations in over 4 years. No, fuck that. My neighborhood isn’t as nice as Burbank so my rates are higher. Fool you don’t live in Glendale so, fuck you, pay more.

See this is a real conspiracy. But nobody cares because all the people it effects don’t have a real voice. Insurance companies get away with this shit on a daily basis and what can we do about it. Move to a better neighborhood. Yeah that will happen. The offset cost of lowering my insurance isn’t exactly going to make up for the increase in rent I would have to pay. This is still California. Maybe I should consider moving back to the east coast. Or at least the eastern time zone. But who knows what other conspiracies maybe lurking about. I mean I just saw this shit on the news and you will be hard pressed to find this shit on the abc7.com site. If it’s there they ain’t making it easy to find. But come on, man, the daring dog rescue made the front fuckin’ page. God forbid they show the story about higher insurance prices in minority communities. And people think conspiracies theories are crazy. Give me a break...


Karama said...

Yeah, that's awful, and unfortunately it happens all the time. Thankfully, we can do something to end redlining. Thanks for spreading the word about this problem.

Rainmayun said...

no shit, my insurance doubled when I moved from my cushy, mostly white suburban zip code in California to a nice all black zip in DC. DOUBLED. It's just now starting to come down, now that the car ain't worth a shit. Sad thing is, it's hard to say I'm being redlined, because auto theft and other BS is so prevalent here.