Friday, March 10, 2006

Procrastination & Vodka

I've been meaning to post for a while now. Even though I have had some subjects on my mind I've been feeling uninspired. So, I thought, at the very least tonight I would just at least mention a couple things.

If you read a good amount of Blogs as I do you should be using NetNewsWire. And if you blog as much as I do then you should be using is companion MarsEdit. As I have been doing recently. If you have been reading my last few blog posts then you have noticed a slight change in format. My last couple posts have been through MarsEdit. And not only is it cool it has made the difference in me actually posting at all. Since my last couple posts have mainly been links to other things. MarsEdit has made this an easy and painless process since it has allowed me to comment and post about other stuff with ease. If you are using a Mac (Fuule and Brooklyn, I'm talking to you) then you should give them a try. While MarsEdit doesn't allow you to organize your blog posts by months and years, if you post to multiple sites (as I suspect some of you do, Brooklyn) then it will at least organize that. Check it out.

Hip Hop is not dead, Bitches! More to come later.

Red Bull and Vodka is the shit. Specifically Red bull and Blue Ice. Rain was the first person to turn me on to the Blue Ice. And when you mix that with Red Bull it is something to behold. Give it a try, if you don't believe me, or even if you do, as it will leave you with a smooth coherent buzz as it relaxes you into an alcoholic stupor. Ok, maybe stupor is a strong word. But it will definitely leave you feeling nice. Check it out.

Old Navy and the Gap are responsible for size gouging. More on this later. As it will probably be my next post. I've been meaning to talk about this for a while. Being a man of size it's annoying to me to see these companies exaggerating their sizes. For no particular reason what so ever.

More to come later...

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