Saturday, December 11, 2004

Confessions of a Fan Boy

Today I was a fan boy. In order to fully appreciate what that means you need a little history. See I have had an on again off again relationship with comic books since I was about 8. I'm 31 and as of about 3 months ago my relationship was mostly off. Since the new job I have had a little more money to play with (very little) so I've been frequenting my local comic shop that I had long since left behind me.

It helps that I work on Saturdays and don't have to be there until 12:30pm. So my recent routine has been to stop by the book store pick up a few and head to work. That was pretty much was the deal today. I hit up the book store as usual said my wassups to my comic book guy and started to browse. The picking's were slim this week. I picked up one new book and few older ones I wanted to read. No trade paperbacks this week and no new comics stacked and arranged on the counter. "oh well," I thought as I continued to browse. As I did so a man entered the store. An older white man about my height or an inch taller (I'm about 5'8" to be exact giver take depending on what shoes I where) casually dressed an not particularly conspicuous. He seemed to know comic book guy rather well. Better than I did atleast. But I confine my conversations with him to comic books. They shot the shit for a while as old guy browsed and apparently amassed a stack of books. Load enough to be noticable but not enough to be obnoxious.

By the time old guy was on his way out I had gathered all I could find pass the time at work. I approached the counter sat my minimal stack next to old guys (his was already bagged and ready to go). He was still BS'ing with comic book guy. As he noticed the comics I had picked up. On the top was a relatively newer one. It's called Superman/Batman. I was picking up some of the back issues since I read the trade that reprinted the first few issues. He commented, "you like that huh?" or something to that effect. I noted that I was hooked on it now. He noted I had good taste. As comic book rang up my purchases, old guy asked me if I wanted him to sign my books. "Huh? Wha...?" I looked at him looked at my books. Pointed at him and said something like "Are you...?" He smirked and said, "That's my book." He extended his hand and said, "Hi, Jeph Loeb." I shook his hand and greeted him back still alittle taken aback. "Pleasure to meet you." Comic Book Guy had already arranged the books on the counter with a marker. That was my deer in headlights moment. I know this because he asked me again if I would like him to sign my books. Thankfully I was aware enough to take my hand back. Of course I said yes but he asked me if I was sure. He didn't want to put me out or anything (for lack of a better expression, I forget his exact words).

Let me pause here for a moment. See when old guy came in comic book guy called him Mr. Loeb. And yeah I knew Jeph Loeb wrote a couple of the comics I was holding but I figured what were the odds of him walking in to my comic book store. I mean really. It occured to me for about half a second.

I mentioned this to him and CBG. Naturally CBG made reference to why a guy like that would be in such a crappy show (its not really). We laughed about that and I mentioned how I felt like I needed to get 2 more so I could actually take them out of the bags to read. Even if I really wasn't I still thought about it. As Jeph was grabbing his stacks I thanked him again. Though I called him Mr. Loeb and he made it clear when he shook my hand a second time that it was Jeph. Apparently CBG liked to tease him by calling him mister. He commented again that it was a pleasure, he gathered his books and left.

That was a really cool moment.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Ole Dirty Bastard from the Wu-Tang (as if there was any other) died over the weekend. I meant to mention it in my last post but that was done under the influence of Guiness and Captain's Morgan (don't ask). It's fucked up that he's gone especially at the ripe old age of 35. But there was barely any news about it. If I hadn't been trying to watch videos on Launch Saturday I wouldn't have even known. I don't know what's worse the fact that he died or the fact that Anna Nicole cuttin' a fool at the AMAs and the violence at the Vibe awards got more news coverage. Speaking of which, it's 2004, why the fuck are fools still starting shit at awards shows. As if Hip-Hop didn't need more bad publicity. And yeah it was some Hip Hop fools that started that shit. Grow the fuck up.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Time Flies

Damn, I can't believe it's been almost 6 months since my last post. I really need to do better. Considering my last post was about how I need to write more. Truth is I was probably just overwhelmed by my situation. Since the influx of credit, job stress and just my general dissatisfaction with life I was really down in the dumps. So to speak. But thankfully a new and more profitable job has been secured. And damn is it a lot less stressful (so far, I've only been there 2 months) then my last one. Who would have thought that lawyers would be cooler than record execs. Go figure. I'm as surprised as anyone.

These past couple of months have given me some interesting insights. Basically everyone hates there job. Atleast the majority of people do. See I work on a Help Desk. Which means I do tech support and daily I answer peoples questions and assist them with their inane computer problems. And the people I work with, most of whom have been there anywhere from several years to several months, don't like it all that much. Mostly because of recent changes that have been made within management. But still they think it sux now compared to how it used to be. I can only imagine since for the most part the people I have dealt with have been relatively cool. Though my co-workers will say it's more the management than the customers/users we deal with. Even still my boss is the former big boss from my old company. And he is cool. But here at the new place he is the big middle boss and he is still cool. Even my manager under the big boss is relatively cool. Older and sometimes forgetful guy that he is. And did I mention that the customers are a lot better. Even the guy over this passed weekend I couldn't help because of a server issue, so he had to come into the office even though he didn't want to. I was hesitant to talk to him when he called back but he was actually ok. Truthfully I was having flash backs of record execs and their assistants and their assistant's assistant's. Which is an insanity unto itself. Don't get me wrong I have dealt with at least one person, ok maybe two people, that were completely intolerable. But I'm getting to old for this shit. And if you can't duplicate the problem, I can't tell you how to fix it now can I? But overall it's been a good experience. Not to mention I have real benefits now. Damn, I never thought I would be anticipating my next trip to the dentist. I must be getting old.

I don't even want to talk about the election. Suffice it to say there are websites dedicated to both sides of the fence. For those that are sorry: Sorry Everybody. And for those that aren't: We're Not Sorry. Thanx to Warren Ellis for the latter. And if you don't know who that is... recognize, bitches!!! Die Puny Humans

Saturday, May 29, 2004

I Need to Write More

I really do. But as you saw from my previous Blog I am a lazy writer. More of a procrastinator really. I keep telling myself I will get to it but I never really feel like it. All day I type and type and type. Struggling to not get too stressed out at the crazy users that call my help desk. Even my boss is stressing out. It's wild. Quite possibly the craziest place I have ever worked. But that's another topic. Right now I don't even feel like typing but I am. Mostly just putting down what comes into my head. Cause at the very least I should have one Blog a month. Minimum. Ideally it would be every day. But I just don't have the energy. As it stands now I need to just hit the hay. Tomorrow is a new day I'm tired.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Another Slow One

I'm a lazy writer. I'm not ashamed to admit that. Not particulary. Having a job doing tech support (i.e. helpdesk) means that I type all day long. So I pretty much could careless about typing when I get home. So e-mails might get read but don't always get answered. I think I'm becoming a hermit or something. I don't answer the phone (99.9% of the time anyway) and I respond to e-mails days after I get them. Though I don't mind the occasional IM conversation. Yeah I got issues.

So, another month goes by and here I am again. Lets recap shall we. I had another interview at the end of March which I did not get. With no explaination as to why no less. Just a standard form letter. So I am stuck at my current crappy underpaid and sometimes stressful helpdesk job. Yah.

Finally got Cowboy Bebop and watched it from beginning to end. Another great anime series. Sad to see it end. Now I have to get the movie to enjoy the crew of the Bebop's continuing adventures.

A friend recently let me borrow Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Yeah I know I'm late. But the game is fun and hard all at the same time. Those fucking guards are way smarter but still kinda stupid at the same time. They look under the box now and open up lockers you are hiding in. But hide behind a a crate in a storage room and they won't even walk over there. It's weird but atleast you can find a place to hide. Sometimes.

This month I have seen Hellboy, Walking Tall, Kill Bill vol 2, and Dawn of the Dead. All had some good qualities. Though Kill Bill is probably the better of the 4. I think there is another I saw but I don't remember.

That's my month. Haven't been drinking to much but that is probably a good thing. Until next time...

Monday, March 22, 2004

Same ole same

It's been slow this month. I just wanted to actually post something here so I could have a March archive. So here is the abbreviated version of the months events. Not that they were all that eventful.

Watched the Berserk anime from beginning to end. It was a good series but the ending will piss you off. If only because it stops. Not only that it appeared to be getting better. Or at least going in a different direction. Thankfully the rumor mill has it that they are going into production on a 2nd season. I guess I'll have to get the Manga in the meanwhile. Can't wait 'til I get Cowboy Bebop.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVD is hilarious. If you even remotely enjoy this Cartoon Network favorite go out and get this DVD. Master Shake is a fool.

I've noticed I've been drinking more. What does that mean exactly? On the weekends I might have a 6 pack or 2. Doesn't seem like much but to go from nothing to that is a big step for me. Thankfully I haven't felt the need to do more than that.

Still on the job hunt with no hope insight. In another few weeks I will probably be back off the night shift and working days again. I'm not looking forward to it.

Hmmm, I think that's about it for the month. Not much but I'll keep posting as I go. Not that anybody even reads this thing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I must be doing something wrong.

Had another interview last week. I'm thinking I didn't get it. It was for the Apple store. I'll try to be brief.

See I say the posting on Monster a couple weeks back but kinda felt like, "Do I really want to work at the Apple Store?" No, not really. So I went on about my business. 1 or 2 days later one of the guys from my job e-mails me with the link to job listing I had seen for Apple. So I figure ok maybe this is a sign. I took the bait and applied online. Sure enough they called and e-mailed me about the job. In my procrastination I didn't respond until Thursday evening. Only to get an Auto Reply in my e-mail Friday night that I should forward my inquiry to another person. So here I am thinking I'm too late having gotten the auto reply. Did I mention that they wanted people for a mass interview/exam on that Sunday? Well the next day I e-mail person #2 thinking I'm already too late what do I have to lose. No response. Of course. Oh well I'm in the clear and have nothing but the graveyard shift to look forward too Sunday night. And then I checked my e-mail Sunday evening. Only to discover information about the nights festivities. Crap.

So, here I am thinking I just messed this up when I get another e-mail the next day saying sorry we missed you. Man who knew they would be so persistent. Needless to say I chose the Thursday morning appointment. Showed up on time. Had a decent interview (even if she did speak to me and another guy at the same time). And then I took their exam. Which basically covered most things MAC I have never had to deal with. Like updating firmware on a MAC(though to be fair I did have to do this once 5 years ago on an iMac but I had help), iPod settings, and wireless networking. With some customer service thrown in for good measure. In my defense it was a 4 page test better suited for an hour as opposed to the 30 minutes I was given. I'm pretty handy with a MAC but I just didn't know or remember some of the stuff we got quizzed on. Oh well. I tried.

But here is the thing. I turn in my test and the woman is telling me about how fast they want to move. And they will be contacting people that afternoon. If you made it they would call and if you didn't they would e-mail. Just my luck I've gotten neither.

Damn, is it just me? Seems like you can't buy a job nowadays.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Cold Pizza

I like cold pizza. I really do. But thankfully through the grace of God and a close family friend I have a brand new too me microwave. A humongously heavy beast of an old school Toshiba that has to sit on the bar table that seperates my kitchen from the rest of my studio. It works great but is inconveniently large. So much so I was surprised when I was able to actually fit 2 large pizza boxes and 2 orders of breadsticks in it. That's a big microwave.

The thing that gets me though is when did large pizza's get so small. I mean back in the day a large pizza was really big. Now adays it seems that they just cut a medium into more slices. Call me crazy but the boxes are still big. Huge actually. But you open it and there is this little pizza that slides around in there. I don't know. Only a couple of people I know have noticed a similar phenomenon. But then I'm one of the last Pizza Hut customers among my friends. I can't speak on other restaurants. But Pizza Hut... mark my words... they are up to something.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Ambitious Denial

The following is an excerpt from the e-mail my recruiter sent me, about that job interview I had:

"a strong candidate but he expressed a great interest in doing network work to a couple of us. We need someone who really wants to work with clients, not with equipment and wiring. We would like to consider him for future positions."

Wow talk about a reality check. So basically if hadn't aspired to be more than just a phone monkey I would have gotten the job. Man, it wasn't that long ago when an employer would have admired my desire to better myself. Damn I'll know next time. Keep whatever desires to advance to myself. What a strange world we live in.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Temporal Job Hunting

Seems like time is just flying by. January is already almost over. It seems as though the older I get the faster time seems to be moving. So I get older faster and time moves faster to make me older faster... Well you get the idea. See I had an interview last Monday and it just dawned on me that it had been a week with no word. As I thought about it I realized that the phone interview leading up to the in person meeting was in December. Around the second week if I remember correctly. And even before that the recruiter (is it just me or do they all just suck) told me about it around the end of November. My God that's 3 different months. When did it get so hard to get a job? Normally they submit you, call you for the interview, then you interview all within a week or 2. But this is dragging out way too long. Man I need a new career. Maybe I should look for a recruiter job. From what I've seen they get paid pretty well to not do much. But hey what do I know I've been looking for a new job for months now.

Friday, January 16, 2004

same ole same

Not much going on this week. Just tired as all hell. Working the graveyard shift is taking alot out of me. Normally I'm cool but I've been just extra tired for some reason. I thing I need some vitamins or something.

Monday, January 12, 2004

The Phones Don't Stop

The other day my boy sent me this article:
Part 1
Part 2
Dear God this guy is living my life. I just hope I can escape it soon.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Pre-Approval Denied

A couple years back I had really really bad credit. I mean pitiful. When I moved into my apartment I tried to finance a Cort furniture coffee table for $250. DENIED. Apparently I was some type of flight risk or something. Atleast that's what Wells Fargo eluded too when I talked to them about it over the phone at the furniture store. Embarassed and ashamed I kept my head up and enjoyed the rest of the festivities (apparently every year they have some type of party for potential business customers, thankfully (or not) I had a DBA (doing business as...) at the time). About a year or so before that I was DENIED a pre-approved credit card. Yes, you read that right. My credit used to be so bad that I was DENIED a credit card that was supposed to be pre-approved for me to get. I guess I should have realized that it was still messed up. But hey cut me some slack, by the time the incident at Cort happened I had been working at my new job for like 6 months paying my bills on time and everything. Now that I think about it I hadn't made any late payments in years. And still $250 for a guy like me was a credit risk for Wells Fargo.

I must admit I was a little shocked several weeks ago when I got the pre-approved mastercard application. It's been years I tell you. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be able to actually get it. I filled out the online app just on a whim. At the very least I figured I could get some free credit reports once I got the DENIED letters. Though I knew my credit had gotten a little better. Last year I tried to get a condo only to discover that if your income is in the low to mid $30K in southern california you can't really buy shit. Atleast not shit that you might want to live in. I was pre-approved for a marginal mortgage of about $65K. Not that I found anything for that price. But then I was told it is easy to buy a home on credit than it is to just get credit for stuff. Who knew. Needless to say I am still renting.

So, imagine my shock at the sight of the letter from the credit card company saying that my card would be here soon. And when it came I was still in disbelief. I still can't remember the last time I had working plastic in my wallet. Speaking of which when I called to activate it I was greeted by a customer service rep after entering my card number. She again asked for my card number. After a couple seconds she said that this account was not active and that I should call back on monday unless I have just a general question.

"Oh No," I thought. "This is all some horrible mistake. A cruel creditors joke played upon wannabes that long for the college days of pre-approved credit applications ."

My heart sank as I explained that I was calling to have it activated.

"Oh," she said. "I can do that for you."

And just like that I was credit worthy again.

Thankfully I am no longer a broke college student. Though I am a some what broke working class guy. Who am I kidding? I'm still broke. But now maybe I can get this credit to work for me. At the very least I have grown wiser over the years. I'm thinking I might be able to flip it. Investing would be better than that Gamecube I was thinking about getting. Now if I can just find a quick and easy investment that pays out better than 9%. To be continued...